Monday, July 4, 2016

Other Evangelical Whores (III of V)

The world is a surreal place, these days.

Once again I wince at my own chosen title for this blog.

And then I remember what these so-called church leaders have done.

So this blog continues on the heels of several other blog posts devoted to what our so-called "Evangelical church leaders" have been up to. Let's review the case from the perspective of Ezekiel. He referred to Samaria and Israel as adulterous sisters. Why? My study Bible explains.

Ezekiel 23:5
“Oholah engaged in prostitution while she was still mine; and she lusted after her lovers, the Assyrians..."

Footnote for that same verse
"Prostitution here represents political alliances with pagan powers... the graphic language of the chapter underscores God's and Ezekiel's disgust with Israel for playing the worldly game of international politics rather than relying on the Lord for her security."

So that's what Ezekiel calls "whoring". Now tell me if the 1,000+ "Evangelical Leaders" are engaged in something different? Or the same thing?

First, they go to meet with Trump. Not the other way around. And why did they go? What do they want from Trump? Let's see...

James Dobson
"I am delighted to be here with the Gospel greats... Mr. Trump, we would like you to start your comments by answering that question: What will your administration do to help promote all of our freedoms — all of the Bill of Rights, and what it has meant to be an American — and protect us? Or do we have to fight another Revolutionary War to preserve them?"

Tony Perkins (president of the Family Research Council): "This is my question for you, Mr. Trump. What policies, if any, of the Obama administration will you reverse? And what steps will you take to restore our military and the rights of our men and women in uniform to practice their religious freedom?"

Kelly Shackelford (president and CEO of First Liberty Institute law firm):
...probably the key issue right now in religious liberty is the attempt to use gay rights to trump religious freedom...

Is it just me? Or are they looking to someone other than God for their reassurances? Ezekiel, my friends, called that whoring. Should we do otherwise?

Others present deserve recognition for their share of this whore-fest, including Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee. But sadly I must also give final credit to Franklin Graham, who presided over the event with a prayer.

Franklin Graham (president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association): (excerpted) Thank you... ...And as we look at who is to be the next president of the United States, many people are looking at qualities. And I’d like to take just a moment to look at the Bible.

Some of the individuals are our patriarchs: Abraham — great man of faith. But he lied. Moses led his people out of bondage, but he disobeyed God. David committed adultery and then he committed murder. The Apostles turned their back on the Lord Jesus Christ in his greatest hour of need, they turned their backs and they ran. Peter denied him three times. All of this to say, there is none of us is perfect...

So I would just like to open up with a word of prayer.... ...And, Father, we pray this election that you will give a man to be the president of this country who will honor life, who will respect our Constitution, who will respect the authority of the office... And, Father, we ask now that you would bless this meeting and this time together, as Mr. Trump is able to answer questions. And, Father, we pray that each one here today will leave this room with a new appreciation of this man and this family ... Amen.

I would like to introduce now a very good friend of mine. Jerry Falwell Jr., who doesn’t need an introduction.

Trat's true, Mr. Franklin. Falwell, Jr. does not need introduction. He's now widely recognized as the first "Evangelical leader" to bless Trump, and he spouted the same festering bovine scatology that you, Mr. Franklin repeated here: The ever-so-clear insinuation that Trump can be our Christian man-of-the-hour since, after all, other great leaders like Abraham and David weren't spotless either.


But let's end with something a bit more insightful. A comment from an outside reporter.

Todd Stearns
Just got back from Trump's "conversation" with Evangelicals. No mention of Jesus.

To be continued...

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