Monday, May 17, 2021

God Sightings

I came to my PC just now while thinking about a broken relationship and the lies and emnity that are part and parcel of the other party's strategy in this broken situation.

I want to reconcile. But I also want to maintain boundaries until we meet. To meet? That's my open offer. It is refused. And yet I am "the problem"--because I maintain some boundaries pending a meeting in person.

Enough said. I came to the PC and thought to play some music. I was tempted to play some rousing Pink Floyd or, no... wait. Better yet. Maybe I'll look up and play "Shout" by Tears For Fears. That sounds about right for the moment.

But then I thought better and simply clicked play on what was already my morning's playlist. Fernando Ortega's song continued mid-stream from where I had previously clicked pause. As if timed by a recording studio, the lyric below poured out.

But they poured out from the point which I have in bold below.

Lord of Eternity
Blessed is the man
Who walks in Your favor
Who loves all Your words
And hides them like treasure
In the darkest place
Of his desperate heart,
They are a light
A strong, sure light.
Sometimes I call out Your name
But I cannot find You.
I look for Your face,
But You are not there.
By my sorrows, Lord,
Lift me to You,
Lift me to Your side.
Lord of Eternity,
Father of mercy,
Look on my fainting soul.
Keeper of all the stars,
Friend of the poorest heart
Touch me and make me whole.
If You are my defender,
Who is against me?
No one can trouble or harm me
If You are my strength.
All I ask, all I desire
Is to live in Your house all my days.
[repeat chorus]

What a wonderful reminder from my Lord. I need not fear the slander of my enemies. I need only take care to remain in the house of the Lord.