Friday, July 8, 2016

But Not All Evangelicals Are Whores (V of V)

The world is a surreal place, these days.

In prior posts I gave a number of Evangelical Whores their due.

But there are heroes, too. Let's recognize a few.

A roaring thank-you to a local pastor, Skye Jethani. (He's not exactly world-famous, but he is known to people all over the world. So why do I call him local? Because he lives nearby and attends my own church.) Here's a great video link where Jethani explains why followers of Christ should not vote out of fear, but rather out of more Christian motives like love and self-sacrifice. Try to imagine voting for Trump or Hillary while operating under those principles.

Second, a roaring thank-you to a slightly more visible Russell Moore.
1) He stood against Trump (and even got some ire from Trump via personal tweet!).
2) He stood against all those aforementioned "Evangelical" whores bowing the knee to Trump.
3) At a SBC convention, he stood up to a xenophobe. Responding to the question "How in the world can [you] support rights for Muslims?" Moore responded, "Sometimes we have really hard decisions to make... this isn't one of those things. What it means to be a baptist is to support soul freedom for everybody."

(BTW, totally secular media such as Samantha Bee took note of Russell's unpopular stand. She exclaimed in response, "Now that is a shining city on a hill.")

Finally, a roaring thank-you to John Pavolvitz. I lifted thoughts from a blog of his when writing my jeremiads, and it brought my attention to other good blogs he has written. This man is after the heart of Jesus. That means he's not going to be popular with "Evangelical Leaders". (A strike in his favor, surely.) "Evangelicals" will take issue with his stand against guns, but they'll especially hate him for his thank-you note to Obama, penned in June.

For these three True Evangelical Leaders I am thankful, though it must be said that they'll have to come up with a new affiliation. The word Evangelical is about as useful as the surname Hitler became after 1940. Sometimes a word acquires more baggage than can ever be truly shed.

But again, to these men and to other men, women and children like them... Thank you. The world takes note when followers of Christ act like the one they follow: Jesus Christ.

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