Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lessons On Prayer From A Gift Catalog: Epilogue

Note: This reflection is a continuation of Part II

I am thankful to report that my journey with the gift catalog had one more stop before the end of the line.

A few days ago while at lunch with a friend I poured out my sorrows regarding this child of mine who had expressed no interest in the gift catalog. My friend's response was constructive and encouraging. He challenged me to realize that there were ways to broach the topic without putting my child in the judgment seat. Ways to open the conversation without condemnation.

Thankful for this input, I changed course. A few days later at an opportune moment I gently raised the topic with the child. Was there a gift purchase the child would like me to make?

To my surprise, the child recalled having opted for the surgery fund I had mentioned. We had obviously miscommunicated, since this was very much news to me, but it was good news. I had thought the child had opted out of the whole business. The child thought otherwise.

The child was clearly not so apathetic as I had feared. But to discover this good news, I needed to create space for it — space created by relationship and communication. It almost didn't happen.

Once again I am reminded of how priceless a good friend is — especially the kind that prod me and poke me when I need it.

Once again I am reminded that when I assume the worst (and proceed as if it's already reality) I can become midwife to the very outcome I dread.

But scriptures bid me do otherwise.

1 Corinthians 13:6-7 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 comment:

  1. "... I become midwife to the very outcome I dread."

    Wow, I'm jealous of the way you can phrase things!

    I'm so glad to hear this journey ended (actually, just started) so well.


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