Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lessons On Theology From Driving Miss Daisy

I didn't particularly want to do it.

It wasn't a great trial I was facing. Just wasted time, in my estimation. The person with whom I'd be wasting that time wouldn't profit greatly from our shared activity.

At least, I didn't think so.

"So... why I am I going to waste my time in this way?" I asked myself from time to time. After I tired of asking myself this question, I asked God the same question, just for a change of pace.

God surprised me with an answer.

Footage from a fabulous old movie began to play in my head. I could hear the movie projector creaking into motion. (Actually, I couldn't, but it sounds cool to say it that way!)

In the movie, Driving Miss Daisy, A well-to-do businessman (named Boolie) pays an elderly gentlemen (named Hoke) to drive the businessman's mother (Daisy) around town. The challenge lies in the fact that the elderly woman, who is too old to be driving, does not want any help, thank you very much.

Miss Daisy doesn't want a chauffeur.

But hers is not the opinion that matters. Daisy is no longer safe behind the wheel, and her son Boolie is trying to keep her (and pedestrians) safe by hiring Hoke to drive her where she needs to go.

Thus begins the footage that played out in my mind...

Boolie: Hoke, I want you to understand something. Now, you'd be working for me. She can say anything she likes, but she can't fire you. You understand?
Hoke: Yes, sir. Yes, sir, I sure do. And, don't you worry about a thing, Mr. Werthan! I'm gonna hold on no matter how she run me. You see, I used to rassle hogs down yonder in Macon, and, let me tell you, ain't no hog got away from me yet!

I know why this particular movie scene came to mind, but the movie scene itself wasn't God's answer. God's answer was much shorter and to the point.

When I asked God why I should waste my time on the pointless activity, His gentle voice broke cleanly into my thoughts...

It's not your time. It's my time. And you're working for me.

As soon as the words had passed through my head, I understood my error. It's God's prerogative to decide what constitutes a waste of my time.

I chuckled as I pictured myself sitting across from God's desk, being given a task which involved serving someone who would not value my service.

I chuckled some more as I imagined my response.

Pilgrim: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Don't you worry about a thing, Lord...

I'm not sure, but I think God smiled back at me from across his desk.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! How I can relate to this post!! I feel so often that I am asked, required, to do tasks that have little to no value---maybe that is the "job description" of a parent/mother!!! :) And, I have felt so many times recently God inviting me to remember He is the one who orders my time and my day. He can "use" me as He sees fit. And, His economy is different (WAY different!) than mine. And!...I can find Him, worship Him and enjoy Him in the midst of the most mundane, unhelpful, obscure and ordinary tasks. Hmmm... "It's my time. Thank-you-very-much!" Love this.


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