Friday, November 20, 2009

Verbal Jousting

Prologue: We are driving to Texas this coming week for a Thanksgiving visit with family. The rest is almost self-explanatory, but it might be helpful to know that I monitor Andrew's intake of movies closely and, where the Lord of the Rings is concerned, he only gets to watch it with me, preferably after a dose of readings from the original books.

This is an exchange of emails I had with Andrew yesterday. Since he hasn't (yet) replied to my last email, I'd like to declare a tentative victory. That may be premature...

These emails are presented here virtually verbatim, though I have tidied up a few misspellings and cut the text down to the salient points.

Andrew: Hey, I nnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd to watch Lord of the Rings (and can we bring it to Texas?)

Daddy: Absolutely, Andrew! we can bring all three books to Texas. I think it's great that we're on the same page that we should not be watching movies at a time when we're in town with relatives ya don't see every day. Hhahahahahhaha. No movies! I am so glad you see things the same way I do on that. hahahhaha

Andrew: “Absolutely, Andrew! We can bring all three books to Texas.” Is what you say. What I say is this, “Absolutely, Andrew! We can bring all three movies to Texas.” I really like my version better, don’t you?

Daddy: Ah, a young imagination. So wonderful to behold. And there is no better place for your imagination to remain than in your mind. Thankfully, the dragons and balrogs we imagine don't show up in the car headed to Texas, nor the movies you imagine I said we'd bring along. Hhahaha! I love you! (...too much to let you waste away your life in front of the idiot box...)

Andrew: Now, you know that the TV, which you refer to as an “Idiot box” is a lot more entertaining than his books. I like the “They are coming!" ... CLANG, CLANG, CLANG THUD…………BOOM…BOOM…BOOM…BOOMBOOM…BOOMBOOMBOOM...BOOMBOOMBOOM…SHING, SHING, Clang, Orcs! "Bar the door!" ROAR!!!! "They have a cave troll!” better than “The rolling hills rippled in the slight breeze and looked almost like they were breathing. The green was magnificent and Sam knew in his heart that he would always remember this sight.” So that is what I have to say to your “Idiot box” statement! HA!

Daddy: Ah, a very nice reply -- very creative. I bet you got that way because I kept you away from the idiot box. (There is a certain circularity to this argument that I think you will find it hard to unwind...) hahah HA!!!!


  1. To Andrew: No movie, how big their budget is, can even come closer to your imagination. The 'movies' you create in your mind, are always better than the movies you watch on television or the movie theaters.

    So, let your imagination do the work. When you read the sentences, imagine them in any way you want to, bring the words to life, and you will see that "the movie" never ever comes closer to the "book".

  2. Like father, like son! Spar on. Love on.
    Yet beware, every able master (bar one) is ultimately surpassed by his faithful disciple/son.


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